NAT - Network Access Translation

normally used to allow private subnets to have internet access

NAT Instances - EC2 instance

This solution is not optimal, might be “bottle-neck” if multiple EC2 instance are using this NAT Instance

  • This instance should be created in “public subet”
  • Follow “launch instance” wizard
  • take into consideration: use community AMIs (search for NAT)
  • once the instance is up an running there is one IMPORTANT thing that should be changed in the EC2 instance..
    • Disable source/destination checks

      Each EC2 instance performs source/destination checks by default. This means that the instance must be the source or destination of any traffic it sends or receives. However, a NAT instance must be able to send and receive traffic when the source or destination is not itself. Therefore, you must disable source/destination checks on the NAT instance. From AWS

  • to allow private EC2 to communitace with this NAT instance a ROUTE TABLE must be configured
    • select “main” Route table, this is where private subnet is associated.
    • added route from to instance (eni-)


  • NAT Instances always behind a Security Group
  • If you are bottlenecking, increase the instance size
  • You can AutoScale instances to be highly available - not optimal
  • change source/destination checks

NAT Gateways

  • highly available
  • redundant inside AZ
  • it scales automatillay : starts 5Gbps up to 45Gbps
  • No need to path
  • No SG
  • Automatically assigned public IP Address
  • IMPORTANT - update route table
  • Create NAT Gateway in each AZ and configure your routing to ensure your resources use the NAT Gateway in the same AZ.

For later

  • EIP - elastic IP Adress